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NZXT anuncia linha de fontes de alimentação digital – E Series

A NZXT lançou hoje três modelos das suas novas fontes de alimentação, a linha E Series com potências de 500, 650 e 850W. São fontes com certificado 80Plus Gold, construídas pela Seasonic com adição de elementos poderosos digitais e conectividade USB, para utilização com o CAM. Os três modelos são de um único canal de +12V, completamente modulares e com 10 anos de garantia.

Nota de Imprensa

NZXT announces the E Series Digital PSUs
The new E Series ATX PSUs include digital control and monitoring, powered by CAM

 Los Angeles, CA – July 17, 2018 – NZXT today announces a new line of digital ATX PSUs designed to provide PC builders with real-time power monitoring and control. The E Series lineup includes 500W, 650W, and 850W models, all 80Plus Gold certified. For these PSUs, NZXT partnered with Seasonic, one of the most highly-regarded PSU manufacturers, and worked with them to enhance their Focus+ Gold platform and PMBus architecture, adding a powerful Texas Instruments DSP and USB connectivity.

“The PSU is a critical part of your PC. Our goal for creating a smarter PC capable of automatically responding to the demands of the application–whether you are browsing the web, drafting email, or playing your favorite game–includes adding control and monitoring to devices that are integral to the system.” said Johnny Hou, founder and CEO of NZXT. “Our E Series PSUs are another step in completing this vision. You can track the performance of the PSU in real time, monitor temperature and total power-on hours, and even enable multi-rail OCP for additional protection of key components using CAM–our innovative software solution at the heart of our smart PC.”

NZXT E Series PSUs Key Features

  • Active monitoring for the 12V, 5V, and 3.3V rails
  • Total power-on time tracking enabled using the embedded real-time clock (RTC)
  • Digital multi-rail over-current protection (OCP) for all three 12V outputs, with adjustable thresholds for the 12V CPU (4+4 pin) and GPU (6+2 pin PCIe) connections
  • Japanese capacitors rated at 105°C
  • 80Plus Gold certification
  • Fully modular design means you use only the cables you need
  • 10-year Warranty and NZXT Service and Support

The E Series uses a powerful digital signal processor (DSP) providing real-time wattage indicators for the three 12V rails, along with total uptime and internal temperature. Compare CPU and GPU power draw to their rated TDP and track historical data using CAM.

In addition to providing high-precision monitoring, the onboard DSP lets you to enable independent over-current protection (OCP) for the 12V output to the motherboard, CPU, and GPU, providing even better protection for your expensive components.

All 80Plus Gold certified E Series PSUs are built using Japanese capacitors, rated to 105° C, providing long-term durability and reliability, and are backed by a 10-year limited warranty.

When powering loads under 100W total, the 0dB Mode provides fully silent operation. Using CAM, you can optimize your own fan curve to suit your system or choose between the Silent, Performance, or Fixed preset modes.

E Series PSUs support single- or multi-GPU builds and the fully modular design means you use just the connections you need for your build, reducing cable clutter and simplifying system building and expansion.


*CAM software requires Microsoft Windows® 10 operating system.

An internet connection is needed to download CAM, and some CAM-powered features require internet access, a valid email address, and acceptance of our current Terms of Service.

 MSRP Pricing:

E500 – 119,9 €

E650 – 129,9 €

E850 – 149,9 €


EU –  Late July

Please visit for additional information.


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Luís Alves

Luís Alves

Cargo: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Naturalidade: Santa Maria da Feira

Sou o moda’a’foca original, um dos guru do modding e tecnologia em Portugal. Desde novo autodidata, sempre gostei de criar, inventar e inovar. Na base tecnológica gosto além do modding, de sistemas de refrigeração a água, hardware e um novo fascínio pela impressão 3D. Considero bastante importante a partilha de conteúdos e conhecimentos.

Desde Abril de 2014 podem também me encontrar na Rubrica PLUG da revista PCGuia todos os meses, a escrever sobre modding, refrigeração a água, pc build e overclocking.

Em Julho de 2017 fundei as Hashtag Dondoca, um projeto sobre saúde mental, agricultura, minimalismo e sustentabilidade, onde sou diretor artístico.

Atualmente no 5º ano do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica na FEUP (especialização Automação), licenciado em Engenharia Mecânica pelo IPV. Trabalhei durante 6 anos como Engenheiro de Processo na área de semicondutores, para clientes no mercado automóvel e de consumo.