
NZXT eleva fasquia na iluminação de PC com o kit HUE+

NZXT Hue+ on white case

A iluminação do computador pessoal toma cada dia mais peso, após o modding já ter ditado o visual das caixas modernas de computador. Desta e com base no seu software de controlo apelidado de CAM a NZXT apresenta um kit de iluminação, o HUE+, que com uma aplicação grátis promete trazer o visual do nosso computador para um novo nível.

O kit contem 8 efeitos diferentes de iluminação para reagir às condições de operação e cada opção pode ser controlada em parâmetros como a direção do LED e velocidade. No total existem dois canais que nos permitem controlar quatro fitas LED cada um, vindo o kit já com um desses canais apetrechado de fábrica.

Com o HUE+ podemos ter a iluminação a reagir a coisas sensacionais como temperaturas do sistema, FPS dos jogos e até ao áudio do sistema, isto sim uma verdadeira inovação nestes kits.

Prevemos um produto MUST para modding!

Nota de Imprensa

NZXT brings PC lighting to the next level with HUE+

Easy-to-use, highly customizable, digital interface-driven

Los Angeles, CA – NZXT introduces the HUE+, a digital lighting solution for the PC. Using CAM software control, HUE+ is an advanced lighting solution that offers PC users unprecedented illumination possibilities and includes smart lighting functions capable of reacting to changes in system conditions.

Lighting can truly bring your system to a new visual dimension, that’s why most of our cases provide windowed-panels. With a smart, easy-to use digital interface such as CAM, available for everyone as a free app, HUE+ offers unmatched control and customization for users seeking to bring their PC to the next level – says Johnny Hou, NZXT’s founder and CEO.

HUE+ offers PC users unprecedented customizations and includes smart lighting functions that reacts to changes in operating conditions. It features 8 preset lighting effects and each effect possessing its own set of customizable functions such as LED directions, speed adjustments, and more. Moreover, HUE+ LEDs can be individually addressed with a Custom mode making lighting configurations virtually endless.

With dual-channel lighting output, each channel can be separately assigned and is capable of addressing up to 4 LED strips for a total of 8 strips from a single HUE+. The package includes 4 LED strips and 4 extension cables of various lengths, all packed together to bring unmatched lighting potential to any system.

Setting up HUE+ is both simple and versatile with the directional and daisy-chained design LED strips. This design allows users to add additional LED strips or use the included extension cables to reach remote areas of the case. Strong magnets positioned onto the LED strip let users quickly position the strips onto any magnetic surface. Optionally, the attached 3M tape can also be used to fix the strips into position on non magnetic surfaces.

HUE+ breathes life into a PC when configured to the Smart and Audio modes. Under Smart mode, HUE+ lighting effects react to changes in CPU or GPU temperatures and gaming FPS. With Audio mode, HUE+ reacts to the audio output of the PC and is aimed to enhance the user’s experience when playing a game or listening to music.

CAM is a free monitoring software for the PC and the latest CAM 2.1.8 release will have built-in support for the HUE+. CAM was released in 2014 as a free PC software for users to gain an edge over their system’s operating conditions and is also used to configuring NZXT’s line of digitally controlled products including the Kraken series All-in-One liquid coolers and the GRID+ fan controller.

Ready to take any system build to the next level, HUE+ is available now for 59,99 € from local retailers. A separate HUE+ extension kit will be available soon and feature 2 additional LED strips for 19,99 €.

Dedicated to deliver the best quality hardware and software to consumers, NZXT provides a 2-year warranty.

Price: 59,99 €

Availability: Pre-order now (October 27th)

Please visit our website for additional information.


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Luís Alves

Luís Alves

Cargo: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Naturalidade: Santa Maria da Feira

Sou o moda’a’foca original, um dos guru do modding e tecnologia em Portugal. Desde novo autodidata, sempre gostei de criar, inventar e inovar. Na base tecnológica gosto além do modding, de sistemas de refrigeração a água, hardware e um novo fascínio pela impressão 3D. Considero bastante importante a partilha de conteúdos e conhecimentos.

Desde Abril de 2014 podem também me encontrar na Rubrica PLUG da revista PCGuia todos os meses, a escrever sobre modding, refrigeração a água, pc build e overclocking.

Em Julho de 2017 fundei as Hashtag Dondoca, um projeto sobre saúde mental, agricultura, minimalismo e sustentabilidade, onde sou diretor artístico.

Atualmente no 5º ano do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica na FEUP (especialização Automação), licenciado em Engenharia Mecânica pelo IPV. Trabalhei durante 6 anos como Engenheiro de Processo na área de semicondutores, para clientes no mercado automóvel e de consumo.